
Thursday, April 12, 2018


Image result for ice skatingImage result for ice skating                                                                                     Wednesday
                                                                 Ice skating is a fun activity 
                                                                            but it can be really difficult.
                                                                                     The things you need is ice skates,
                                                                            a helmet and gloves.
                                                                            You also need confidence,
                                                                                     I started off with a chair then when I got use to it
   I did it without a chair I fell off a
      couple of times but I got back up and tried  again.I really enjoyed ice skating

On thursday I was way better then
wednesday because
I didn't even fall over once.
when I first started i fell over
so many times I didn't want to do it but
its so fun when you keep trying and trying
over and over again and robin gave us
some awesome tips to staying balanced and not falling over, he even gave us tips on how to glide on the fake Ice

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