- ON Thursday the 12.4Th.18 ST JOHN came to our school to learn about CPR but not the mouth to mouth part. Tina the lady taught us how to do this row row row your boat thing. Its when you have a part of a mannequin body and you sing row row row your boat while you push down the tummy. You do it 30 times
2. Me Tayla and Kendra were in a group and I was pretending I crack my head open and Kendra called the ambulance witch was Tayla.
3 Me,Kendra and Tayla were partner's
4. The last thing we did was the safety position, the safety position is when you pick a partner and pretend they are unconscious are you put one of the arms by their ear. next you put the furthest hand and clip it by the closest shoulder to you. Next you put the furthest leg up by their butt.Roll the person over and put their leg on the ground then but their hand onto mother earth after that you just put the closest hand to them and put it under their head. once you have done that you lift up their head and that's all of the steap's.
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