
Friday, December 7, 2018

Christmas letter

 This is my Christmas letter to the gisborne herald and this Christmas letter is about the magic of christmas and what it means to me. I hop you enjoy reading this and I hope that you will do something special and not just spend money you could spend time with your family and have a good time.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Julia & Janes Stop Motion

This is mine and Janes Stop motion animation video. We made this Stop Motion video to show the good and bads of collaboration and how it can work in real life and in digital. In our Stop Motion this girl named Ashley meet this guy called James she thought he was going to be a nice guy but later on James told Ashley that he was a bully at his old school and Ashley didn't want to be friends with James anymore and Ashley never talked to James again.

Monday, October 15, 2018

Fruit salad class group freeze frames

This is our Fruit salad freeze frames and they are our new groups for this term and I am very excited to know more about my group and their personality. Hope you enjoy

Term 4 goals

This is my term 4 goals of the week and I am trying very hard this term because this is my last term because I am leaving for Gisint next year so I want to make this year my best and I have started it of by blogging my first blog post of term 4. This quote is a quote that means that everyone around you has a different flavor and a different taste about everything and that to me is called being unique. Being unique means that you have a different personality to everybody else and that is amazing ,ka pai.  Hope you enjoy my Term 4 goals. 

Monday, September 24, 2018

My grass growth app

This is my Grass growth app and it is SOOOOO cool we learned so much about appsheets and how we can make our own app. Me and my buddy Gypsy created this app about our seeds and we also made a graph to show our agronomist Gypsy,Julia,Tom,Jahdin and dylan.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

This is my letter to Central school come and have a look

Julia Makaraka school

137 main road



 Central school 7 Central street

Dear Students of Central School..

 My name is Julia and I am writing this letter to you guys and girls because of your hard work and confidence of performing your production This is us - Anei Matou in front of 130 kids and other parents. Thank you for letting us come to the War Memorial Theatre and letting us see your production. For 430 kids you did so well!

 I really enjoyed watching your production and I especially like the costumes and prop ideas you guys came up with. The costumes were very pretty and the giant people Captain Cook and kiwa were REALLY cool .  My favorite part was everything some parts were funny and some parts shocked me. There were different lights that went with every act and it made that act even better. The timing was not to fast and It wasn’t to slow.. Something that I learned was that your guys school was built over 100 years ago in the 1800s WOW our school hasn’t even been that many years old.

 You had different scenes that related to your school and It helped me understand more about your school story. It was really cool how you had different Narrators say different parts in each story of the production. I also like how you guys showed how the Maori people came to New Zealand and that you weren’t shy of saying anything.  You had the sea the haka and the planets of space and it was astonishing the lights shocked me and it looked good. It was good how you guys sang most of the time and it made the play 100 times better. It also made the play 150 percent better when you guys knew what you were doing and that you knew the choreography to every dance.

 To finish of this letter to you students at Central School I would like to say thank you again for inviting us to come and watch your production and to know that we were the only school to watch your play it was an honor to come. And I hope next year the future for you guys is amazing.

 Thank you again
 Arohanui Julia